7 Tips for Creating Relevant Content

Content is king. As cliché as this may sound, there’s still a lot of truth in these three little words — even more so now with all the changes to Google’s algorithms. But in the rush to generate content, we often fail to question its relevancy. For today’s marketing efforts to work, content must be relevant. It must add value. It must get folks talking. It must be so good that it needs to be shared.

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Are You Using Social Media the Right Way?

Social media is relatively new, as far as marketing channels go. And we’re all pretty quick to adopt — adapt, even — any platform we can use to touch consumers. But there comes a point where we try to modify something beyond its original purpose so much that it becomes ineffectual. We miss out on opportunities and squander all of the advantages this channel has to offer.

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Is Being “Liked” Reason Enough for a Facebook Business Page?

Facebook for Business. You’ve got a page. If you don’t, you probably plan to. Or someone in your circle is insisting you should, and offering up a whole laundry list of reasons why. It’s popular. It’s interactive. It’s searchable. It’s easy. It’s free. But are “popularity” or “searchability” or “ease” reasons enough to get your business a Facebook page?

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