Posts in Social Media Marketing
Is Being “Liked” Worth the Effort?

Last week, I met up with one of my clients to talk about some upcoming projects, and the discussion quickly turned to social media — more specifically, Facebook. She didn’t understand how to use it to convert consumers into customers. In fact, not a single one of her current clients had come to her through this channel. I assured her that she was not alone. 

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Yet Another 3 Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

I know, I’m starting to sound like a broken record when it comes to social media. But it’s fast becoming the marketing method of choice for many businesses. Twitter, Facebook and all the other social channels are a quick and easy way to stay connected with an audience and help build brand awareness. Unfortunately, the casualness of being social has led many of us to not always think things through. And informality has a way of increasing the chances of making a mistake.

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How Are You Doing Socially With Customer Care?

Back in October, I talked a bit about the need for companies to go social with their customer care. Many consumers are already online, using social channels to inform their purchases. And with roughly 33% of social media users now turning to these same channels for support and service, it’s become even more important to the overall success of businesses.

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4 More Completely Avoidable Social Media Mistakes

Awhile back, I wrote about Avoiding Four Big Social Media Mistakes. I touched on piggybacking on relevant trends, knowing why topics are trending, and not engaging on social accounts. But I’m totally obsessed with social media — almost in a creepy, stalker-ish sort of way. I get a kick out of watching corporations try to embrace social channels as a way to market their wares.

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Avoiding 4 Big Social Media Mistakes

I’ve been on a big social media kick lately. Not sure why. I think a large part of it has to do with its ever-changing landscape. Each day, it seems like a new channel pops up that we must be part of. And with the vastness of social channels, it’s not surprising that we adopt them before we’re ready to use them. We’re often of the mindset that, “If the train’s leaving, we better hop on.” But that’s not always the case, and it can lead to some damaging mistakes.

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Businesses Go Social with Customer Service

Last week, or maybe it was the week before, I talked briefly about the need for businesses to be more social. Not breaking news, I know. But social media posts influence roughly 78% of consumers, and that’s just the posts coming from companies. Those from friends and family hold even more sway, influencing 81% of consumers. If these numbers tell you anything, it’s that businesses can no longer afford NOT to have a social media presence.

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